Skeletal Framework


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•  Bones and exoskeletons provide anchorage for muscles and act as levers

Movement Systems

The ability to move is controlled by a number of interacting body systems, including:

  • Skeletal system – consists of bones that act as levers and provide a structure for the muscles to pull
  • Muscular system – muscles deliver the force required to move one bone in relation to another
  • Nervous system – delivers signals to the muscles which cause them to contract and create movement

Body Systems Involved in Locomotion


Skeletal System

Skeletons are a rigid framework that function to provide support and protection for body organs

  • Skeletons can be internal (endoskeletons) or external (exoskeletons) depending on the organism
  • Endoskeletons typically consist of numerous bones, while exoskeletons are comprised of connected segments

Skeletons provide a surface for muscle attachment and thus facilitate the movement of an organism

  • Bones and exoskeletons act as levers, moving in response to muscular contraction
  • Bones are connected to other bones by ligaments, and bones are connected to muscles by tendons 

Endoskeletons versus Exoskeletons

endo vs exoskeleton