• Each myofibril is made up of contractile sarcomeres
Myofibrils consist of repeating contractile units called sarcomeres, which are made of two protein myofilaments
- The thick filament (myosin) contains small protruding heads which bind to regions of the thin filament (actin)
- Movement of these two filaments relative to one another causes the lengthening and shortening of the sarcomere
Each individual sarcomere is flanked by dense protein discs called Z lines, which hold the myofilaments in place
- The actin filaments radiate out from the Z discs and help to anchor the central myosin filaments in place
The recurring sarcomeres produce a striated (striped) pattern along the length of the skeletal muscle fibres
- The centre of the sarcomere appears darker due to the overlap of both actin and myosin filaments (A band)
- The peripheries of the sarcomere appear lighter as only actin is present in this region (I band)
- The dark A band may also contain a slightly lighter central region where only the myosin is present (H zone)
Structure of a Sarcomere (and associated banding pattern)
• Drawing labelled diagrams of the structure of a sarcomere
When drawing a diagram of a sarcomere it is important to remember the following conventions:
- The myosin filaments are the thick filaments and should be represented as being thicker than the actin filaments
- The myosin filaments should include protruding heads (myosin heads form cross-bridge attachments with actin)
- The striated banding pattern should be identified (A band = dark region ; I band = light region)
Labelled Diagram of a Sarcomere