The BioNinja App for iOS devices (iPads and iPhones) is now complete!
It can be found on the iTunes Store: Click here
- If you like it, please give it a positive review!
- If you don’t like it, shut up! (seriously, it’s free - so don’t be a troll)
Please Note: Be sure to refresh the app the first time you load it (to update to latest version)
- External assets (e.g. songs and animations) will not work until the app has been refreshed
More Information:
- I had to really rush the process in order to get the app released before the May 2018 exams
- Unless there is something seriously wrong, I don’t plan on fixing any of the quirks (too hard!)
- If there are any issues, please just send me an email rather than posting a bad review
- Please be aware that the songs and animations may not work on really old devices
- Also, the sound won’t work if the phone is set to silent / vibrate (you need to unmute it)
Attention: Android Users
I am trying to get an Android version completed as well, but I’m not exactly a tech expert and am having some issues
- If anyone is proficient at coding and wants to give it a go (for free - I’m not paying for a free app!) - contact me!