Lung Cancer

Lung cancer describes the uncontrolled proliferation of lung cells, leading to the abnormal growth of lung tissue (tumour)

  • The abnormal growth can impact on normal tissue function, leading to a variety of symptoms according to size and location
  • The tumours can remain in place (benign) or spread to other regions of the body (malignant)

Lung cancers are the most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide for two main reasons:

  • The lungs are vital to normal body function and thus the abrogation of their normal function is particularly detrimental to health
  • The lungs possess a very rich blood supply, increasing the likelihood of the cancer spreading (metastasis) to other body regions

The common symptoms of lung cancers include coughing up blood, wheezing, respiratory distress and weight loss

  • If the cancer mass compresses adjacent organs it can cause chest pain, difficulty swallowing and heart complications

There are many causes for lung cancer, including smoking, asbestos, air pollution, certain infections and genetic predispositions

Common Risk Factors for Lung Cancer

lung cancer causes