• Calculation of magnification and the actual size of structures shown in drawings or micrographs
Calculation of Magnification:
To calculate the linear magnification of a drawing or image, the following equation should be used:
- Magnification = Image size (with ruler) ÷ Actual size (according to scale bar)
Calculation of Actual Size:
To calculate the actual size of a magnified specimen, the equation is simply rearranged:
- Actual Size = Image size (with ruler) ÷ Magnification
• Use of a light microscope to investigate the structure of cells and tissues, with drawings of cells
Light microscopes use visible light and a combination of lenses to magnify images of mounted specimens
- Living specimens can be viewed in their natural colour, although stains may be applied to resolve specific structures
When attempting to draw microscopic structures, the following conventions should be followed:
- A title should be included to identify the specimen (e.g. name of organism, tissue or cell)
- A magnification or scale should be included to indicate relative size
- Identifiable structures should be clearly labelled (drawings should only reflect what is seen, not idealised versions)
Summary of Visible Cell Features under Light Microscopy