Cell Theory History

The cell theory is one of the foundational tenets of biology and explains the relationship between cells and living things

Development of this theory occurred largely as a result of advancements in the field of microscopy

Cell Theory Timeline


Zacharias Janssen

Time:  1590

•  Invented the first compound microscope


Robert Hooke

Time:  1665

•  Used light microscope to look at thin slices of plant tissue (cork)

•  Saw tiny chambers and coined the term ‘cell’


Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Time:  1673

•  First to see living microscopic organisms (in pond water)

•  Termed these microorganisms ‘animalcules’


Matthias Schleiden

Time:  1838

•  Concluded that:  “All living plants are made of cells”

•  Credited for developing first two tenets of cell theory (with Schwann)


Theodore Schwann

Time:  1839

•  Concluded that:  “All living animals are made of cells”

•  Credited for developing first two tenets of cell theory (with Schleiden)


Rudolph Virchow

Time:  1855

•  Concluded that:  “Where a cell exists, there must have been a pre-existing cell”

•  Credited for developing the third tenet of the cell theory

TED-Ed:  The Wacky History of the Cell Theory  (Lauren Royal-Woods)