• Fermentation is carried out by batch or continuous culture
Batch Culture
- Fermentation is carried out in a closed fermenter, with nothing added or removed during the process (except venting of gas)
- Microorganisms and nutrients are left for a set period of time, during which the nutrient stock is depleted
- The advantage of a batch culture is that the fermenter can be used for different reactions with each separate use
- A disadvantage of a batch culture is that it results in significant periods of idle time between use, resulting in higher costs
Continuous Culture
- Fermentation is carried out in an open fermenter, with nutrients added and product removed at a steady rate throughout
- This results in a continuous reaction with no idle time, reducing labour costs and increasing product yields
- A disadvantage of continuous culture is that there is a higher risk of contamination due to the constant adjustments
- Continuous fermentation is feasible only when the inoculated cells are genetically stable
Batch Culture Versus Continuous Culture
• Deep-tank batch fermentation in the mass production of penicillin
The antibiotic penicillin can be mass produced via the use of deep-tank batch fermentation
- Large industrial fermenters are constructed that have the capacity to hold thousands of litres
- Penicillium mold is grown in the deep-tank batch fermenters following the addition of sugars and other key ingredients
- The production process typically lasts 6 – 8 days, with the fermenter drained at the end of the fermentation cycle
- Penicillin is separated from the solution and purified via downstream processing to improve its antibiotic potential
Production of Penicillin via Batch Fermentation
• Production of citric acid in continuous fermenters by Aspergillus niger for use as a preservative or flavouring
Citric acid (citrate) is widely used as a flavour enhancer, a preservative in manufactured foods and an antioxidant
- It is produced as an intermediate of the Krebs cycle under aerobic conditions
Citric acid is mass produced by continuous fermenter systems from cultures of the fungus Aspergillus niger
- Carbohydrates are continuously introduced into the fermenter in order to maintain the citric acid production
- Iron (Fe2+ ions) is excluded from the mixture in order to slow the further conversion of citric acid within the Krebs cycle
- As citric acid accumulates it is extracted as part of the medium that is being continuously withdrawn from the fermenter
Production of Citric Acid via Continuous Fermentation