• The use in IVF of drugs to suspend the normal secretion of hormones, followed by the use of artificial doses of
hormones to induce superovulation and establish a pregnancy
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) refers to fertilisation that occurs outside of the body (in vitro = 'in glass’)
- It involves using drugs to suspend normal ovulation (down regulation), before using hormone treatments to collect multiple eggs (superovulation)
Down regulation
- Drugs are used to halt the regular secretion of FSH and LH – this in turn stops the secretion of estrogen and progesterone
- By arresting the hormonal cycle, doctors can take control of the timing and quantity of egg production by the ovaries
- The drug treatment usually takes about two weeks and is typically delivered in the form of a nasal spray
- Superovulation involves using artificial doses of hormones to develop and collect multiple eggs from the woman
- The patient is firstly injected with large amounts of FSH to stimulate the development of many follicles
- The follicles are then treated with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) – a hormone usually produced by a developing embryo
- hCG stimulates the follicles to mature and the egg is then collected (via aspiration with a needle) prior to the follicles rupturing
- The extracted eggs are then incubated in the presence of a sperm sample from the male donor
- The eggs are then analysed under a microscope for successful fertilisation
- Approximately two weeks prior to implantation, the woman begins to take progesterone treatments to develop the endometrium
- Healthy embryos are selected and transferred into the female uterus (or the uterus of a surrogate)
- Multiple embryos are transferred to improve chances of successful implantation (hence multiple births are a possible outcome)
- Roughly two weeks after the procedure, a pregnancy test is taken to determine if the process has been successful
In Vitro Fertilisation Procedure
![shes fit](../../../_Media/shes-fit_med.jpeg)
Summary of the Key Stages of IVF
- Stop normal menstrual cycle (with drugs)
- Hormone treatments to promote super ovulation
- Extract multiple eggs from the ovaries
- Sperm collected, then prepared (via capacitation) and injected into egg
- Fertilisation occurs externally under controlled conditions (in vitro)
- Implantation of multiple embryos into uterus (either patient or surrogate)
- Test for pregnancy after ~ two weeks
Mnemonic: SHE’S FIT