• Recognition features of bryophyta, filicinophyta, coniferophyta and angiospermophyta
The kingdom Plantae contains 12 phyla – which includes bryophytes, filicinophytes, coniferophytes and angiospermophytes
- These phyla can be differentiated according to a few key recognition features

- Has no vascularisation (i.e. lacks xylem and phloem)
- Has no ‘true’ leaves, roots or stems (are anchored by a root-like structure called a rhizoid)
- Reproduce by releasing spores from sporangia (reproductive stalks)
- Examples include mosses and liverworts

- Has vascularisation (i.e xylem and phloem)
- Have leaves, roots and stems (leaves are pinnate – consisting of large fronds divided into leaflets)
- Reproduce by releasing spores from clusters called sori on the underside of the leaves
- Examples include ferns

- Has vascularisation
- Have leaves, roots and stems (stems are woody and leaves are waxy and needle-like)
- Reproduce by non-motile gametes (seeds) which are found in cones
- Examples include pine trees and conifers

- Has vascularisation
- Have leaves, roots and stems (individual species may be highly variable in structure)
- Reproduce by seeds produced in ovules within flowers (seeds may develop in fruits)
- Examples include all flowering plants and grasses
Plant Phyla Recognition Features:

Overview of Plant Phyla