• BLAST searches can identify similar sequences in different organisms
• BLASTn allows nucleotide sequence alignment while BLASTp allows protein alignment
BLAST searches use an algorithm to compile similar sequences from a range of different organisms
- BLAST stands for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
- Results are presented in order of relevance – based on the degree of match to a search sequence
BLAST searches can be used to compare either nucleic acid or protein sequences:
- BLASTn compares nucleotide sequences to allow for DNA or RNA alignments
- BLASTp compares amino acid sequences to allow for protein alignment
• Sequence alignment software allows comparison of sequences from different organisms
Certain software programs can display multiple sequences together to show the degree of similarity between them
- This is called a sequence alignment and is commonly used to show the degree of relatedness between sequences
- Protein sequences usually show more similarities than nucleotide sequences because of the degeneracy of the genetic code
- I.e. Some codons code for the same amino acid, so different nucleotide sequences can code the same protein sequence
Multiple Alignment of a Protein Sequence from Various Species

• Use of software to align two proteins
Clustal Omega is a free online tool that will align nuclotide or amino acid sequences for comparison
- It can compare multiple (more than two) sequences at once
- Sequence consensus can be colour coded in a Jalview applet found under ‘Result Summary’ (requires Java)
To construct a multiple alignment:
- Change the input sequence type to the relevant form (DNA, RNA or protein)
- Paste the relevant sequences into the provided space
- Before each sequence designate a species name preceded by a forward arrow (e.g. '>Human’ or ‘>Chimpanzee’)
- Alternatively, sequences can be saved as a document in plain text format (.txt) and then uploaded
- When all sequences have been included, click ‘Submit’ (under step 3)
Below are plain text files that contain nucleotide and amino acid sequences for multiple alignment:
- CHRNE – Cholinergic receptor epsilon (nicotinic) for various species (nucleotide sequence)
- HBA – Haemoglobin alpha chain from various species (amino acid sequence)