• Reflex conditioning involves forming new associations
Conditioning is a process of behaviour modification whereby desired behaviours become associated with unrelated stimuli
- This process can be achieved via either classical (reflex) conditioning or operant (instrumental) conditioning
Reflex conditioning involves placing a neutral signal before a reflex in order to create an association between the two
- Reflex conditioning focuses on involuntary and autonomic behaviours
- It involves associating a desired behaviour with a new stimulus
Operant conditioning involves applying reinforcement or punishment after a behaviour to increase or reduce its occurrence
- Operant conditioning focuses on strengthening or weakening voluntary behaviours
- It involves associating a particular behaviour with a specific consequence (either reward or punishment)
• Pavlov’s experiments into reflex conditioning in dogs
Reflex Conditioning
Reflex conditioning was first described by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist who experimented on dogs
- Dogs normally salivate (unconditioned response) in anticipation of being fed (unconditioned stimulus)
- Pavlov sounded a bell (neutral stimulus) prior to feeding a dog
- After many repetitions, the dog came to associate the bell with food and began to salivate to the bell (conditioned response)
- Pavlov described this as a conditioned reflex – the stimulus that prompted the response had been changed
Reflex Conditioning in Dogs

• Operant conditioning is a form of learning that consists of trial and error experiences
Operant Conditioning
Operant conditioning was first described by B. F. Skinner, an American psychologist who experimented on rats
- Rats were placed in a controlled chamber (called a Skinner box) that contained a responsive lever
- The pushing of the lever by the rat was accidental but resulted in several possible outcomes, including:
- The delivery of food in response to light (desirable outcome = positive reinforcement)
- The silencing of a loud noise from a speaker (desirable outcome = negative reinforcement)
- The activation of an electrified floor if not pressed in response to light (negative outcome = punishment)
- By trial and error, the mice learned to press the lever in response to the different environmental contexts
Operant Conditioning in Rats